Update your work wardrobe with Peter Morrissey and BigW

Oh how I loathe buying new clothes for work.

Whenever it is time to update my work wardrobe I’m shocked by how expensive it is to buy good quality basics. Plus, there are a million more fun ways I’d prefer to spend my hard-earned cash than on clothes that will most often only be seen Diane in Accounts and Steve-o in Sales.

Well shut-the-office-door! as Peter Morrissey has teamed up with Big W to create a capsule range of quality work wear basics, each for less than $55.

Peter Morrissey for BigW Shirt $39.92, Skirt $34.72


Peter Morrissey for BigW Shirtdress $54.94


Peter Morrissey for BigW Shirt $39.92


In Big W stores from July 25th.

For useful styling tips from Peter Morrissey, and to find out why he reckons every piece in his range “should get you a root,” check out our exclusive interview with the man himself, next week in Fox in Flats.


What’s your workwear staple?

And just out of interest, have you ever gotten lucky in a design by Peter Morrissey? 

baby hanger



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